Asia PacificExercisesSea

Taiwan to Rehearse Repulsion of China’s Potential Amphibious Attacks

The Taiwanese military will stage live-fire drills simulating the repulsion of amphibious attacks by China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

Scheduled for later this month, the exercise will take place along Taiwan’s coast and at the defense outpost of Matsu Island near mainland China.

The move comes as military analysts and experts warned that the PLA could begin a potential invasion of the island nation with an amphibious attack.

Fourteen beaches in Taiwan are being considered potential launch pads in case Beijing’s reunification agenda becomes a reality.

The upcoming live-fire drills are expected to involve land-based weapons, such as anti-tank missiles and machine guns firing at sea.

The Taiwanese Navy will also participate in the event, deploying its ship-launched weapons in waters off the southern city of Kaohsiung.

Increased Frequency of Military Drills

In response to China’s increasing activities around Taiwan, the island nation has also ramped up the frequency of its military drills to prepare for a possible invasion.

This week, the Eighth Field Command will initiate an anti-landing drill on Xishu Beach near the southern city of Tainan.

The Sixth Field Command based in northern Taiwan will also conduct a similar drill on June 18 to protect the country’s other front.

Before the end of the month, the Tenth Field Command will simulate attacks on Chinese warships landing on Caocuo Beach near the central city of Taichung.

Taiwanese authorities said the live-fire drills will help bolster the island’s combat readiness for potential PLA attacks from the sea.

Unauthorized vessels and aircraft approaching the exercise areas have already been advised to take a different route.

China continues to pressure Taiwan to reunify with the mainland, saying Beijing will never commit to abandoning the use of force to achieve its objectives.

According to US intelligence, a Chinese invasion could be launched in 2027.

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