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California Startup Demos Counter-Drone System for DoD Stakeholders

California-based artificial intelligence company Skylark Labs has completed tests of its proprietary counter-unmanned aerial system (c-UAS) solution for US Department of Defense stakeholders.

The trials saw the deployment of the Aerial Reconnaissance & Elimination System (ARIES), a technology developed to detect and track rogue drones situated beyond the line of sight.

Throughout monitoring simulations in different scenarios, the ARIES platform detected threats at long ranges, tracked their corresponding flight paths, and identified other potential threats based on their maneuvers.

Moreover, the system demonstrated its early warning capability to alert users of incoming drones for timely response and effectiveness for c-UAS surveillance operations.

Board member of defense industry partner Kratos and former US Army Joint Warfighting Operations Chief Brad Boyd commented on the ARIES trials’ success.

“ARIES’ AI-driven detection and tracking capabilities are truly impressive,” Boyd remarked.

“The ability to identify potential threats at extended ranges and provide real-time intelligence is a game-changer for our counter-UAS operations.”

“Skylark Labs’ innovative approach has the potential to significantly enhance the Army’s ability to protect our forces against the growing threat of unmanned aerial systems.”

‘Leap Forward’

Skylark noted that the event emphasized the company’s dedication to supplying scalable AI solutions for the US military and intelligence communities.

“ARIES represents a leap forward in counter-UAS technology,” Skylark Labs CEO Dr. Amarjot Singh stated.

“By analyzing the trajectories of detected drones, the system can rapidly differentiate between friendly and hostile UASs, providing critical, real-time intelligence to inform rapid decision-making to provide interdiction of unauthorized drones.”

ARIES for the US Air Force

The ARIES tests followed the system’s selection for a US Air Force Small Business Innovation Research program in February.

The separate effort aims to amplify the agency’s anti-drone capabilities through “groundbreaking technologies” sourced from commercial partners.

“This project represents a significant opportunity to strengthen our ARIES product line and contribute to the safety and security of our nation’s airspace,” Singh said during the contract awarding.

“We look forward to collaborating closely with the US Air Force and making a meaningful impact in enhancing UAS detection and tracking capabilities.”

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