Sam Abodo, Evan Wright, Lauren Jarvis, and Channing Lee

Sam Abodo is a 2021 Hamilton National Fellow at the Alexander Hamilton Society. He is a research assistant at Carnegie Mellon University where he analyzes military bases in Africa. His writing has appeared in The National Interest, Washington Examiner, and The Triple Helix. Evan Wright is the Undergraduate Assistant for the 21st Century Japan Politics and Society Initiative and a research assistant at Johns Hopkins' Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies. Additionally, he is a 2021 Hamilton National Fellow and a Stanford Reischauer Scholars Program alumnus, and author of several articles for the non-profit journalism organization News Decoder. Lauren Jarvis is an Economics and International Studies student at Baylor University who has previously worked for the United Nations. She is a 2021 Hamilton National Fellow, internationally awarded researcher, and foreign policy educator and policy strategist for her business SpeechMakers. Channing Lee is a student at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service studying International Politics, and a 2021 Hamilton National Fellow. She is also the author of Stronger Than Trust: Igniting the Faith Within Us.
  • CommentaryStanding guard during the Tigray regional elections, which the national government declared illegal

    Washington’s Balancing Act With Tigray

    Failing to act on the civil war in Ethiopia's Tigray would question Washington’s commitment to universal human rights and directly affect American economic and security interests.

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