
US Army Issues Precision Strike Missile Increment 2 Requirements

The US Army is seeking industry responses for the Precision Strike Missile Increment 2 (PrSM Inc 2) requirements.

A potential contract will include engineering development for an early operational capability, initial production, and the potential option for a seeker competition.

Requirements include the capability to engage moving maritime targets at 400 kilometers (248 miles) and beyond.

IOC in 2028

A total of 120 early operational capability missiles are expected to be produced under the contract in 2026-27. 

The PrSM Inc 2’s initial operational capability (IOC) is expected in 2028. 

Meanwhile, the army is planning to spend $435 million for the procurement of 230 PrSM Inc 1 missiles in 2025, according to Inside Defense.

A total of four PrSM Inc 1 production contracts have been awarded, with IOC expected in 2025.

Precision Strike Missile Increment 2

The Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) replacement features a sleeker design, doubling the magazine capacity of each launcher. 

The PrSM Inc 2 can be launched from M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and M270A2 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems, the same as its predecessor.

It offers greater velocity, range, and effectiveness.

Multi-Mode Seeker

The missile’s multi-mode seeker features radio frequency and imaging infra-red to engage targets in an anti-access/area denial environment.

The army flight tested a PrSM Inc 2 seeker last year and transferred it for integration with the missile.

“The missile uses Global Positioning System satellite navigation and inertial gyro navigation to reach the vicinity of its targets,” Military & Aerospace Electronics explained.

“Once the missile reaches its target area, it listens for radio signals from enemy radar or communications to refine its targeting, and finally uses an imaging infrared sensor to pinpoint its target before impact.”

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