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US Army Awards Textron Next-Gen Anti-Vehicle Munition Contract

The US Army has awarded Textron Systems Corporation a $162-million contract to develop a next-generation anti-vehicle munition system.

The command and control capable top attack prototype will support the army’s terrain-shaping operations, denying enemy armored vehicles room to maneuver.

The hand-placed, portable system will be more lethal than previous munitions such as the M93 Hornet and XM204 and “will be designed to be employed alone, in multiples or in tandem with other terrain shaping systems,” the Texas-based company explained.

Top Attack Munition

The system will consist of a common anti-vehicle top attack munition, a top attack dispenser launcher module, a remote control station, and an obstacle planning capability, the Project Manager Close Combat Systems specified in a notice last year.

The munition will be compatible with delivery platforms such as 155mm artillery, robotic ground vehicle platforms and a range of manned and unmanned aircraft.  

Once placed on an obstacle, it should be able to operate in standby mode for up to six months and target engagement mode for 30 days. 

Additionally, the remote control station will “be capable of controlling at least 12 fields (150 by 250 meters or 492 by 820 feet) located up to 5 kilometers (3.10 miles)” away.

Terrain-shaping obstacle
Terrain-shaping obstacle exercise. Image: US Army

Bottom Attack, Full Network Capability Next

The top attack is the first increment of the close terrain shaping obstacle program. It will be followed by a bottom attack and full network capability in 2025 and 2026.

 “We are committed to supporting the soldier by giving them technology that increases their combat advantage, and by keeping the soldier in the loop we give them even more control,” senior vice president Henry Finneral said.

“This munition will increase tactical protection for our troops who are facing increasingly sophisticated enemies. For the adversaries and the types of conflicts we see emerging, this will represent a true next-generation anti-vehicle weapon.”

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