
Saab Conducts First MSHORAD Live System Firing

Swedish defense firm Saab has announced the first live firing of its Mobile Short-Range Air Defence (MSHORAD).

Witnessed by representatives from various national delegations, the air defense system was able to identify, track, and engage several targets.

According to the company, a total of five firings were performed: two from a mobile firing unit on a MARS S330 vehicle and three from man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS).

The missiles neutralized a drone and an elevated helicopter airframe during the test.

Saab also tested the system at night against a towed target.

“These successful firings proves that we have a fully operable mobile air defense solution,” company official Stefan Öberg said. “These firings highlight the value of a single supplier being able to deliver everything from radar to the firing unit.”

The MSHORAD System

A “compact” air defense solution, MSHORAD is Saab’s response to the new battlefield of more sophisticated airborne threats.

It is a vehicle-integrated solution that can identify, counter, and neutralize air-based threats “quickly, effectively, and decisively.”

The system comprises a Giraffe 1X multi-mission 3D radar and a mobile firing unit equipped with RBS 70 NG short-range missiles.

The laser-guided, unjammable missiles have automatic target tracking and are difficult to intercept.

The MSHORAD features a modular design that allows for easy installation on any vehicle platform, making it a highly-mobile system.

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